Search for a Client

When you click on the drop-down arrow next to Open in the Bed Census List Page, the Search for Client window is displayed. In this window, you search for the client you want to admit. If the client has already been registered in the system, use that client record to complete the admission. If the client is not found, then follow your office's policy for registering the client.

Searching Best Practices

To Search for a Client

  1. When the Client Search window is displayed, complete the Name Search, SSN Search and DOB Search fields. View field definitions.

  2. Click the Broad Search button.

  3. If no client is found, click the Narrow Search button.

  4. If no client is found, click the SSN Search button.

  5. If no client is found, click the DOB Search button.

  6. When using Other Search Strategies, enter the information you want to search on and click the blue button to the left of the field to start the search.

  7. If a matching record is found, the information is displayed in the Records Found tab.

a.      Verify that the information that is listed matches the client you are working with.

b.     If more than one client is listed, select the open circle to the left of the client line to select the client in the Records Found section.

c.      Click the Select button.


If no match is found, the client is not registered in the system.


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