Client Account Overview Tab Field Definitions

An asterisk (*) following the field name indicates a Required field in the Core SmartCare system. Your system may have been customized to require additional fields.



Account Information

Client Name

Identifies the name of the client on the account Last name, First name.

Financially Responsible

Identifies the name of the person who is financially responsible for paying the account balance. Click the hyperlinked name to display the Client Account page.

Current Client Balance

Identifies the current balance on the account that the client is responsible for.

Unpaid Services

Identifies the dollar amount of any unpaid services on the account. Click the hyperlinked dollar amount to display the Charge/Payment Summary tab on the Client Account page.

Unposted Payments

Identifies the dollar amount of any payments that are entered on the account, but are not posted to a service line charge.

Last Statement Sent

Identifies the date that the last statement was sent to the client.

Internal Collections

Identifies whether or not the client's account is in internal collections for payment.

Payment Arrangement Amount

Identifies the dollar amount of any payment arrangement set between the client and the agency accounting department.

Don't Send Statement

Use the check box to avoid sending a paper statement to the client for any outstanding balance each month.


If you select the Don't Send Statement check box, select the reason for not sending a statement from the Reason drop down.

Financial Information is Complete

Select this check box when all financial information is completely entered in the system. Until this check box is selected, the system will not generate claims or statements to the client or his/her plans and payers.

Accounting Notes

Use the Accounting Notes field to enter any comments and information needed on the account. You can enter an unlimited number of characters. Scroll bars appear on the right side of the panel if enough characters are inserted in the panel. You can run spell check on the text. Tell me how...

3rd Party Payer Information


Identifies the third party payers on the client's account who have a balance owing. Click the hyperlnked plan name to display the Charge/Payment Summary tab with this plan's charges that are currently owed listed.


Identifies the total current balance owing from the third party plan.

Unbilled Amt

Identifies the portion of the Balance that has not yet been billed to the plan.

>90 Days

Identifies the dollar amount of the balance for this third party payer that is over 90 days old.


Identifies whether or not a service line is flagged.

Payment History

<days drop down>

Select an option from the drop down to filter the payment history by the date of the payment. Options are:

·        All  payments

·        Last 30 days

·        Last 60 days

·        Last 90 days

Show Client Payments Only

Select the check box to display only client's payments. Otherwise, all payments on the account are listed regardless of who made the payment.


Identifies who made the payment to the account.


Identifies the date the payment was entered on the account.


Identifies the dollar amount of the payment.


Identifies the check number entered when the payment was entered into the system.

Unposted Amount

Identifies the dollar amount of the payment which has been entered on the account, but has not been posted to a charge.